An easy life is rarely meaningful and a meaningful life rarely easy.”
Oliver North
After another raiki session on Friday and some reflexology from the wonderfully talented Gail Fulton, my body has normalised further. I mainly put this down to sleep. I had 8 wonderful uninterrupted hours last night! The result? I have a new lease of life. What does this mean? It means that today when my good friend came to visit I was open to taking action. Open to doing my bit to prolong my life.
As I have already said I am prepared for the worst but I simply wouldn't be doing myself justice to do absolutely nothing for my condition. So Jude was filling me in on an article in the Telegraph this weekend about a young girl who restored her very poor health by overhauling her diet. She essentially went on to a plant based diet. Now I actually have experience of this as after my lung diagnosis my husband Russell and I went micro biotic and then vegan. I wont lie it wasn't easy and I loathed it. I would go so far as to say it contributed to the break down in our marriage (but wasn't the defining factor I'm sure Russ would agree). I resented going to the supermarket and being able to shop in 2 aisles whilst watching all of these other people pile crap into their basket, food which I wouldn't eat at anytime and yet they didn't have bloody cancer. I was angry at my diagnosis and with hindsight it was too early to be so radical. I needed time to adjust. Anyway I slowly but surely slipped away from the diet ( I must mention Russell has maintained it and feels a massive benefit). However I didn't at any point stop believing in the power of it. If interested in yet again, prevention rather than cure, a study called "The China Study" is well worth a read.
So here is what I have decided to do. I am going to empower myself in every way and give this diet a go. This girl has a recipe book and you can google "Delicious Ella" for downloads. I have done what I don't do well and I have requested via facebook that people, should they wish, cook me a dish which I can freeze ( I cant cook the basics in my current state). It is very similar to the Budwig diet and essentially this was something that I was planning on exploring anyway. You see for brain tumours outwith radiotherapy and I have had all of that is possible, the only other hope is really diet. I am willing to stand up to this. Why the hell not.