An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
Benjamin Franklin
I have been reading up these last few days on alternative medicines. More importantly one in particular Low Dose Naltrexone. Now I am sure that I wrote about this last year but I am going to write about it anyway. Basically this is a drug which is used worldwide to treat so many diseases I couldn't list them. It is used for MS with amazing results. I had come across information on this drug last year and how there were some doctors in the USA who felt that it could be a breakthrough in Triple Negative Breast cancer (my type). Immediately I was on the case. To cut a long story short as this drug is long since patented not all GPs will prescribe mine of course did and I started it last January. The great thing is that should your doctor not prescribe it you can buy it very cheaply and indeed among the limited stockists globally there is actually one here in Glasgow 5 minutes from my house...I call that serendipity.
Anyway I began taking this one tablet every night and as we know my battle with my lung was won. I cannot say with certainty what caused this but it gave me great psychological benefits (this drug generally boosts your immune system so what is to lose?).
Yes I was disappointed to learn of my brain tumours but I have been in touch with one of the doctors at the forefront of this drug and he has said keep going with it, I will.
There are many who believe that many chronic illnesses (Crohns, Lupus to name but 2) and of course cancer could actually be prevented all together were people to incorporate this drug into their daily lives from about the age of thirty. I am inclined to agree. There is a wealth of information on this drug on the web so I would you all to have a look. I am starting my LDN tonight again as I have felt more healthy these last few days which I put down to my first ever Reiki session. Cannot recommend it highly enough but more about that later. Now get researching and prevent my experience perhaps.
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