I am not going to be writing todaytwith anything new or ground breaking just some things that are on my mind. As I have already posted I spent a truly horrific time over the holidays in the hospital more specifically a cancer hospital and a reputable one. I have now made my wishes crystal clear that I will not be hospitalised again before I die. I have put in place exactly what I want so I shall take the experience as a good learning curve.
Over these last few weeks I have had a lot of time to reflect upon my cancer journey and rethinking it horrifies me all over again. I feel as though I have come full circle. In November/December 2011 I was hospitalised dangerously ill as a direct result of medication (chemotherapy) which due to lack of resources is administered in a very haphazard ways and essentially my dosage was not right. This put my life in danger and I am utterly convinced that I don't stand alone in this. As I have already documented I then went through a system so flawed that my outcome was to be a terminal diagnosis.
So fast forward to December 2014 and I am back in a hospital dangerously ill, again not due to the actual cancer but instead due to a fault in drug administration. I had the ability to speak up and I am now home and all is well (RELATIVELY SPEAKING of course). However I just feel compelled to put this message out again. Its done.
Now for an update. I have had 9 of 10 of my brain zap. I go for my last one today and then I will be scanned in 8 weeks. 8 long glorious weeks of just taking one day at a time and enjoying my life and my new house. I have no idea of what the scan will show but based on statistics for my type of cancer it will not be that positive. This is fine. I am not being pessimistic but my own personal expectation is to have passed by April this year, and I am by no means going down self fulfilling prophecy routes. Just being realistic. I have been very practical and have 2 death plans backed up by the right professionals. Olivia is aware of everything and will be with me.
Update complete. Now back to living, I have many cushions to buy.